About Malheur County Child Development Center

Who Administers Head Start?
The Head Start program is administered by the Office of Head Start, the Administration for Children and Families and Department of Health and Human Services. Grants are awarded by the ACF Regional Offices directly to local public agencies, private organizations, Indian Tribes and school systems for the purpose of operating Head Start programs at the community level.
What Kind of Environment is Head Start?
Head Start is a safe, healthy and nurturing environment for your child, following state and federal guidelines.
Studies prove that Head Start children score higher than comparable non Head Start children in preschool achievement tests and that families who get involved in their child’s education are able to provide a greater role in the development of their children.
How is Head Start Funded?
In Oregon, Head Start is jointly funded by the Office of Head Start and the Oregon Department of Education. Oregon Head Start Prekindergarten(OHSP) is available in all counties in Oregon.
Head Start services are federally and state funded and are provided to families at no cost.
Annual Report:
Our Philosophy / Mission
Malheur County Child Development Center serves families with pre-school children from varied backgrounds. Our services are tailored to the success of families and staff.
Our History
Malheur County Child Development Center was opened in 1982 to serve the needs of our growing community. MCCDC enables families to have a safe, reliable, free and developmentally appropriate child care setting for their preschool children.

What Transportation is Available?
A School bus will take your child to and from head Start each day. However, Bus Service may not be available for all families. See your local centers for more details.
Teachers will provide your child with a variety of learning experiences through use of the Creative Curriculum that are designed to prepare your child for kindergarten and to encourage social, emotional and intellectual growth. Classes are available in both English and Spanish, to meet your child’s needs
Special Needs
Head Start provides a full range of services for children with disabilities including screening, evaluations and individualized programs. We strongly support including all children in the classrooms and we work with community agencies to ensure that we offer the most complete services for children with special needs.
What will my child be eating?
Your child will be served healthy meals and snacks in a family-style setting. These meals and snacks help your child meet their daily nutritional needs.
What kind of health checks?
We will help to make sure your child is growing properly and is receiving adequate medical, dental and mental health care. More information is available by contacting your local centers.
Further Questions?
If you have further questions or concerns please feel free to call us at: 541-889-2393